October 8, 2021 8:00am



$99 Earlybird 

$149 regular 

$79 (virtual only)


Live2Lead is a half-day leadership, and personal growth event hosted LIVE in Atlanta, GA, on October 8, 2021. This simulcast event is an annual leadership gathering developed by The John Maxwell Company. 


Join hundreds of host sites around the globe in hosting the 8th annual Live2Lead in your community for an exciting day of growth, as John and other high caliber speakers teach relevant and applicable leadership tools to your audience.


Attendees learn from renowned leadership experts from a variety of industries, gain a new perspective on relevant topics, and get practical tools to take home with them.


We guarantee your audience will leave equipped and excited to lead and create change with renewed passion and drive.





Every year Live2Lead features four to five brilliant thought leaders from every area of business and expertise.

The idea is to bring premiere, relevant teaching from the people on the cutting edge of leadership to your audience while also offering diverse perspectives and real-world application. 


John Maxwell always hosts and teaches during this event, but he shares the stage with a remarkable line-up every year. Past speakers included (featured below): John C. Maxwell, Chris Hogan, Angela Ahrendts, Marcus Buckingham, Rachel Hollis, Daniel Pink, Tyler Perry, Carly Fiorina, Steve Harvey and more.


Learn from world-class leaders.

You will learn from elite thinkers, including the #1 leadership expert in the world, John C. Maxwell, and gain leadership principles and personal growth techniques from their time-tested teaching.


Impact your sphere of influence.

Whether you lead a large organization or want to be a better mentor to those around you, you will gain meaningful and relevant insights so you can return home ready to implement your new action plan and lead with renewed passion and commitment.


Make meaningful connections.

This event is an opportunity for you to network with like-minded leaders who share your passion for leadership and learning. Make new connections or build on the ones you have during this event.


Rodney Payne, CEO
One Voice Leadership, L.L.C.
Executive Coach